The Quilt & Barn Star Auction


Our annual Quilt and Barn Star Auction is held on the second Saturday of the Festival each year.

Saturday, July 6, 2024 at 12:00pm
on the Main Stage



Silent Bids will close at 07:00pm on Friday, July 5th.

How to Enter a Silent Bid

Quilt Auction Silent Bid Procedure

The silent bid process will be done in a fashion so to keep all bids absolutely confidential.

Bids may be placed by submitting the Silent Bid Form to your right, or in person in the Quilt Barn.  

Bidders will complete contact information which will be confirmed by a Quilt Sales team member. They will then confidentially put in the Quilt number or numbers, and the limit amounts that they are willing to bid on the quilts.

The bid will then be put in an envelope, sealed, and placed in the box. If submitting online, the form will be sealed until auction day.

At the end of the day, the Business Office will pick up the box. The envelopes will be removed, but not opened, and the box will be returned for the next day.

On the Friday night prior to the auction, all envelopes will be opened and entered on spreadsheets.

Each bid for a quilt will be assigned a unique number.

When submitting your Silent Bid Form, please check “yes” if your would like to start the bidding process with your Price of Bid.

When submitting your Silent Bid Form, please check “yes” if you would like to bid up one if bidding buys up.

Our Quilt Auction is serviced through Zettlemoyer Auction Co., LLC.

The entire process will be overseen by the Kutztown University Foundation Business Office.

A must-go for all lovers of Americana! One of the best local festivals every year. The folks are friendly, the crafts are outstanding, and the food is delicious. The quilt auction is a must see! Great for kids, too.
— Festival Attendee


Quilts and Barn Stars

Coming soon!